Weeds Lake Transmission Line

Quick Facts

  • 6.3 miles of new transmission line right-of-way
  • 2 new parallel double-circuit 138kV transmission lines
  • Existing natural features including wetlands and species of concern

Ecological consulting included a wetland delineation and habitat assessment with report submission to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE), Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife and Fisheries Divisions, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). In the end, EGLE determined that a wetland, inland lakes and streams, and floodplain permit was not required for the project.

Habitat and species specific threatened and endangered species (TES) surveys were completed for Indiana and Northern Long-eared Bats, Eastern Box Turtle, Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly, and Rattlesnake Master. Working with the MDNR-Wildlife and Fisheries Division, best management practices were incorporated into the construction plans to protect the Eastern Box Turtle from harm and “incidental take” during construction and restoration activities.

Additional design and construction support included floodplain analysis, topographic and boundary surveys with exhibit preparation, and field staking. The team designed soil erosion and sediment control (SESC) plans for submittal to the Kalamazoo County Soil Erosion Department.

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