Water Distribution Asset Management Plan

Quick Facts

  • Departmental financial analysis of rates and budget
  • Water asset inventory and digitized into GIS database
  • Resulting asset management tool used to develop Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)

The municipal team conducted a field investigation to identify and capture locations for hydrants, valves, meter pits, and curb stops. This structural data was imported into a GIS along with the City’s digitized water main lines to facilitate asset management planning. 

The newly created GIS was an essential tool to assess the criticality of the system including the probability of failure (POF) and consequence of failure (COF). 

The project also involved a level of service goals/funding structure and rate methodology to inform a capital improvement plan for both five- and 20-year planning cycles and concluded with the submittal of an asset management plan report to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE).

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