Wastewater Asset Management and Maintenance
Quick Facts
- Developed comprehensive asset management plan for City’s combined sewer system
- Utilized latest GIS technology and manhole scanner to collect field data
- Updated City’s GIS database to facilitate maintenance activities
Working with our sister company, Corby Energy Services, the field teams performed sewer pipe assessments per Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP) standards and manhole inspections per Manhole Assessment and Certification Program (MACP) standards within the City’s system.
Data deliverables with fully integrated videos and photos of MACP/PACP assessments were provided in an ESRI geodatabase allowing the City to easily integrate the data into their GIS system.
Metro Consulting Associates worked with all stakeholders to define collection system business risk exposure and review lifecycle cost evaluations. This work effort was funded by the State of Michigan as part of the Stormwater, Asset Management, and Wastewater (SAW) grant program.