The Woods

Quick Facts

  • Single family residential community cluster
  • 9 lots on 5-acre parcel
  • Natural features including wetlands and a stream

The cluster housing option selected for this development facilitated more open space with an enhanced stormwater management system and landscape buffers utilizing the site’s existing natural features. The project included concept planning, site design, permitting, and construction support services for the nine residential lots and associated private road, utilities, and landscaping. 

Leveraging the site’s natural beauty was a priority goal for the development which included preserving a significant number of existing trees during the construction process. The project also included impacts to on-site wetlands, a stream mitigation, and associated permitting with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy (EGLE).

Stormwater management is handled by a conventional detention pond centrally located within the development that outlets to the existing creek/drain bisecting the site. Bio-swales located at the rear of some lots provide pre-treatment of the stormwater before reaching the detention pond.

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