Pine River Wind Park
Quick Facts
- Coe, Bethany and Pine River Townships
- 40,000 acres
- 65 turbines generating 161 MW
Metro Consulting Associates provided balance of plant design services along with extensive ecological consulting to facilitate development. A transportation plan was developed to coordinate component deliveries and identify public road improvements required to support construction traffic. The engineering team also provided hydraulic modeling for permanent stream culvert crossings over Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) regulated streams.
The firm’s ecological team completed wetland determinations for the total project area specific to turbine locations, collection lines, crane walks, and public road intersections. A general and individual EGLE permit application package was prepared for wetland, inland lake and streams, and floodplain impacts.
In addition, the ecological team completed a habitat assessment and threatened and endangered species (TES) survey for Blanding’s turtle with report submittal to EGLE and Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Wildlife and Fisheries Division.
Best management practices were incorporated into the construction plans to protect the Blanding’s turtle from harm and “incidental take” during construction and restoration activities.
Post construction survey services include crop damage exhibits and as-built drawings.