Highland Park Engineer of Record

Quick Facts

  • Restored City’s Engineering Department after 10-year hiatus
  • Established and manage $500K+ annual department budget
  • Developed and enforce department ordinances, design standards, and construction specifications

Since the City’s Engineering Department did not exist for more than a decade, it was critical for return operations to self-sustain and not strain the City’s already depleted general fund. Metro Consulting Associates established a $500,000 annual budget and paired it with a reasonable fee schedule that ensured the City’s adequate representation for right-of-way permitting, site plan reviews, and other capital improvement construction projects. 

As the engineer of record, Metro Consulting Associates quickly helped the City recoup lost revenue from utility companies and contractors that ignored City standards and performed work within City boundaries without permission, inspection, or payment of fees. 

A road condition assessment was conducted to help secure additional funding for road, sidewalk, and other right-of-way improvements. The team logged data specific to overall condition and other pre-determined attributes for roads, signs, and sidewalks with the resulting asset management plan used to inform and prioritize future improvements based on yearly budgets and treatment options.

Let’s work together.