Churubusco Gas Improvement Project

Quick Facts

  • 7.5-mile high-pressure 16-inch underground gas line
  • 32 parcels along entire route
  • 2 regulator stations to extend high pressure feed

Project Summary

Metro Consulting Associates provided pre-acquisition, right of way acquisition, land surveying, and construction support services for this new underground gas line and two regulator stations to increase area capacity and reliability. 

Our survey crew and land agents worked together to deliver 32 easement exhibits and two recorded land split surveys required to facilitate the new pipeline project. The land agents provided full right of way acquisition negotiations including initial landowner outreach through post construction damage assessment and payment coordination. 

Additional key services provided by the land surveying team included location control surveys and construction as-built surveys to support the client’s asset management needs, including identification of the installed pipeline’s weld locations. 

Let’s work together.