City of Highland Park Selected to Participate in DOE Clean Energy Program
Metro Consulting Associates is part of the winning multi-stakeholder program team
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced the inaugural communities selected as part of the Communities Local Energy Action Program (Communities LEAP), a first-of-its-kind initiative designed to help energy-overburdened communities take direct control of their clean energy future.
The City of Highland Park is one of 22 communities selected to receive support from DOE to create community-wide action plans that reduce local air pollution, increase energy resilience, lower utility costs and energy burdens, and provide long-term jobs and economic opportunity. DOE’s pilot Communities LEAP reflects the Biden-Harris Administration’s priorities to assist community-led transitions to a clean energy economy, and to build a healthier, more equitable, and sustainable future.
The selected communities will work with DOE and its network of technical assistance providers, government and non-governmental partners, community-based organizations, utilities as well as environmental justice, economic development, and equitable investment organizations to develop roadmaps for clean energy economic development pathways. The inaugural Communities LEAP localities will pursue strategies for planning and investment in:
- Energy efficient buildings and beneficial electrification
- Clean energy development
- Clean transportation and enhanced mobility
- Carbon capture and storage
- Critical minerals recovery
- Resilient microgrids and energy storage
- Manufacturing and industry opportunities
Highland Park’s successful program application is thanks to a multi-stakeholder team comprised of the City of Highland Park Water and Engineering Department (represented by Metro Consulting Associates), Soulardarity, Avalon Village, Parker Village, and Highland Park Community Crisis Coalition (HPC3).
This multi-stakeholder team—with engagement from Highland Park residents and city government—will partner with DOE to pursue a path toward 100% local, clean, renewable energy.
Read the full press release here:
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