Pamela E. Rice, PWS
Senior Ecologist, Ecological Consulting
Parlays a love for botany into natural resources permitting to help clients find success.
Pamela has more than 25 years of experience in natural resources consulting with an expertise in federal, state, and local wetland permitting. She enjoys working with regulators in a cooperative manner to help clients successfully obtain the necessary permits to develop their projects.
From a technical perspective, Pamela is responsible for wetland and stream delineations, threatened and endangered species surveys, vegetative community assessments, and tree surveys. She is also experienced with wetland mitigation and restoration design, stream bank stabilization and restoration design, on-site construction observation, wetland and stream monitoring, and erosion control and compliance inspections.
A professional wetland scientist (PWS), Pamela is a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), Association of State Wetland Managers (ASWM), Michigan Wetlands Association (MWA), Midwest Great Lakes (MWGL) Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration International, and Huron River Watershed Council. She holds a holds a bachelor’s degree in natural resource and environmental studies with a minor in forestry from the University of Minnesota.